Roger Luggin is the top agent at the YAA before the Campbells are recruited.
Appearances: Agents: The Beginning
Portrayed by: Ian Cole
Roger's Story
Roger is first seen when Nick and Wade are brought to Headquarters. Mark introduces Nick and Wade to him as their top agent and one of their only AAA Advanced Agents. Roger brings Nick to a training room to test his skills in hand-to-hand combat.
He and Nick fight to see how good Nick is, and Roger is impressed by Nick's performance. He tells Nick that he will put in a good word for him. When the document is stolen, Mark tells Roger to tell the operators to find out who the ninja is that was seen on the security cameras.
Roger finds out that his name is Xavier Capotta. He gives Mark the coordinates to the ninja training facility where he is located. At first, he disagrees with Mark's decision to send Nick and Wade in, but he gives in and wishes them luck. After following the tracker on the car, Roger is sent in to investigate the hideout and spy on them. However, Jason Rover sees him and kills him.