Agents Wiki

Novak is Tim Byrd's head of security.



Appearances: Agents 2, Agents: The Beginning

Portrayed by: Justin Swope

Novak's Story

Novak first helps to track down the location of the document telling where the money is. He travels with Tim Byrd and Jason Rover to the alternate hideout with scanners for the document to meet with Dan Clark.


When Byrd discovers that the agents tracked them down, he tells Novak to prepare the guards for action. Two days later, Novak informs Byrd that Jason Rover killed Roger Luggin. During the battle, Byrd tells Novak to activate the self-destruct mechanism, which he does. They then escape before the YAA can capture them. After Michelle Davis is kidnapped, Novak brings her to her room where she is to be kept in. One of Byrd's guards informs Novak that Tim Byrd has been released from custody. Novak tells Byrd that they are on schedule. He then goes along with Byrd and his men to the party at the Patterson Mansion. There he is captured by Wade Campbell.


When Nick Campbell and Wade interrogate him, he reveals that Michelle is okay and is being kept in the hideout in the Wood Ops territory. However, before they can bring him in, two of Byrd's men attack the Campbell brothers, allowing Novak to escape. He goes to the new hideout, where Tim Byrd and Ellen Nevins are waiting. He tells them that they know where they are because they interrogated him. Byrd tells Ellen to kill him, but he promises that his security will be top-notch and is spared. He is sent to keep an eye on Michelle. Later, when Michelle breaks out of her handcuffs, Novak doesn't notice because she pretends to still be handcuffed. When the agents attack their hideout, Novak throws a grenade at Wade Campbell, which knocks him off his feet and knocks him unconscious. Nick Campbell then shoots and kills Novak.