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Dan Clark is a deadly assassin and Sean Austin's right hand man.


Dan Clark

Appearances: Agents, Agents: The Beginning

Portrayed by: Justin Swope

Clark's Story

Dan comes up to Sean Austin and tells him that Novak is trying to track down the location of the document, which tells the location of the money. When the location is tracked down he and Austin tell Xavier Capotta to take a squad in and retrieve the document. Clark later is sent to help Xavier escape the ninja-training facility. He helps him pack his luggage into the car. He sees Wade coming toward them and tells Xavier to hold him off while he starts the car.


When Nick kills Xavier, Clark has no choice but to leave him. He arrives at the hideout with the special scanners and realizes that there is a tracker on his car. He tells this to Byrd, who forgives him and says that the agents won't stand a chance. Byrd tells him to wait for further instructions from Austin. Byrd tells him that he is their top assassin. Clark promises that he won't let them down. He later goes with Austin to rob Warehouse 43. As they advance into the warehouse, Clark gets into a fight with one of the Warehouse 43 Guards. He knocks the guard out but trips and hits his head on the table and passes out. He wakes up just as Austin is getting ready to detonate the bomb. He tries to escape the explosion but his leg gets wounded. Later, agents arrive on the scene to investigate, and Dan Clark hides. Agent Campbell hears him outside. He runs to the watchtower and pulls out his gun. He aims it at Ellen Nevins to get revenge for Austin abandoning him. However, Nick Campbell sneaks up from behind him and disarms him. Clark reveals that he works for Sean Austin and that he left him for dead after they stole the money. Nick then knocks him out and leaves.


Clark leaves and wanders around Austin's hideout and plans to kill him and all of his men. However, his plans to kill Austin change when Austin calls him, asking him to kill Agent Campbell, and offering him double his original share in the cash. Austin also gives him a new mask to wear to keep his cover. When the Campbell brothers show up again, Clark captures Wade Campbell and questions him. Wade reveals to him that Mark Bender is the reason they tracked them down. Wade also tells him that someone named Clark told Nick that they stole the money. Wade doesn't know, however, that he is talking to Clark now and that Clark is the one who shot at him at the ninja training facility. While interrogating Wade, Clark electrocutes him several times using metallic chains on his wrists. Wade eventually loses consciousness, just as Nick breaks into the room. Nick knocks the remote out of Clark's hand. Clark has taken the chains off of Wade's wrists and is holding them when Nick activates them. Clark is electrocuted and knocked out. He wakes up as they are escaping and sets off the alarm. He pursues the two agents, but they are able to escape. Austin then angrily tells Clark to go to the YAA headquarters to finish off Nick Campbell. He sneaks in later and takes down the YAA security. He first encounters Ellen Nevins walking around but does nothing to her. Then, Clark grabs Mark Bender and forces him to tell where Nick is. He goes up to Nick's quarters but Nick sneaks up behind him, and the two fight. Eventually, Clark flees to Warehouse 43.


When the Campbell brothers attack, Clark comes outside to take charge. He holds Nick at gunpoint and brings him to Austin. After a few minutes of arguing with Nick, Austin tells Clark to take Nick inside, where he ties Nick up. Nick asks him why he wears the mask. Clark tells him for protection and for disguise. He's about to punch Nick when Austin orders him to go outside and find Wade, which he is unable to do. When Nick gets out and holds a gun to Austin's head, Clark orders Nick to let him go. However, Nick refuses and extracts information from Austin as to where the money is hidden. Nick then runs upstairs to get the money, so Austin orders Clark to kill him. Clark fights Nick, however Nick gets the upper hand and knocks Clark over. He takes off Clark's mask and is shocked to find out it is him.


Clark says that Nick should have killed him when he had the chance, but Nick vows to this time. He tells Nick that he had wanted revenge on Austin and all of his men until Austin made him a new offer. He then fights back and shoots Nick in the leg, holding him at gunpoint. Nick expresses his anger for Clark trying to kill him and his brother, yet Clark responds that his life is killing. Nick then knocks the gun out of his hands and kicks him back. Nick then dives for the gun and shoots Clark in the chest, killing him.