Agents Wiki
Cover 2

Agents 2

The Campbell brothers are back when the president's daughter is kidnapped and taken for ransom by a man who worked with Sean Austin named Tim Byrd. Nick realizes that it is all part of a master plan devised by Byrd himself. The agents also realize that there is a traitor in their midst.

PG13- intense action, violence, and thematic material

Running Time: 83 minutes

Starring: Thomas Berkman, Ben Berkman, Kaylee Swope, Christian Yost, Terry Berkman, Samuel Berkman, Natalia Berkman, and Justin Swope


Nick Campbell - Thomas Berkman

Wade Campbell - Ben Berkman

Michelle Davis - Kaylee Swope

Tim Byrd - Christian Yost

Heidi Quinn - Terry Berkman

Mark Bender - Samuel Berkman

Ellen Nevins - Natalia Berkman

Calvin Puck - Justin Swope

Jason Rover - Justin Swope

Sam Davis - Ben Berkman

Rick Pelt - Samuel Berkman

Novak - Justin Swope

Steve - Justin Swope

Agent Hudson - Thomas Berkman

Gavin - Justin Swope

Bruce - Ben Berkman

Byrd's Guards - Samuel Berkman, Thomas Berkman, Justin Swope, Christian Yost, Ryan Leeder, Ian Cole, Sean Leeder, Dan Ruggeri

Wood Ops - Samuel Berkman, Christian Yost, Ben Berkman, Thomas Berkman

Mansion Security - Samuel Berkman, Justin Swope

YAA Troops - Thomas Berkman, Justin Swope, Samuel Berkman, Natalia Berkman

Secret Service Agents - Ben Berkman, Thomas Berkman, Christian Yost, Dan Ruggeri, Samuel Berkman